May 31, 2012

The North vs. the South


Not Quite Ripe

I don't want to spark a big debate about the north of France vs. the south of France or anything, but hey, this is my blog, so I'm just going to say far living in Normandy has been so much better than living in the Languedoc-Roussillon.

For those of you moving to or already in the L-R, please don't get all up in arms just yet.

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May 30, 2012

Photo du Jour - It's a Jungle Out There!


Lots of rain followed by lots of sun equals a garden that is growing out of control. In record time.
Does anyone have a machete I can borrow?

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May 29, 2012

Photo du Jour - les Cerises


There's nothing better than finally biting into one of the early summer fruits that you've been waiting for all year.

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May 28, 2012

Photo du Jour - Paris Side Street

Paris Doors and Windows

 Another colorful side street of Paris. Faded paint and old doors.

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May 27, 2012

Photo du Jour - Le Déjeuner


Lunch in the sun.
Roasted duck legs, potatoes and petit pois. A baguette, a cheese board and a glass of red.

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May 26, 2012

Photo du Jour - Lost in Translation

Menu Fail

Spotted on a menu at a café in Bayeux.
It did make me laugh!

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May 25, 2012

Photo du Jour - Across the Lake

Château de Canisy

So calm and peaceful on the outside..what a contrast to what's happening on the inside this weekend!

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May 23, 2012

Photo du Jour - Sun and Sea

La Plage

What do you do when the sun suddenly appears after days of gray skies and drizzle? You head to the sea and soak up some sun!

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May 22, 2012

Photo du Jour - Une Pause-Café

Une Noisette at the Café

Coffee and people watching after my morning shopping at the market.

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May 20, 2012

Simple Pleasures

du pain


French Riviera

Bread, cheese and a glass of wine. Three of life's simple pleasures.

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May 19, 2012

Photo du Jour - At the Market


Heirloom tomatoes and other goodies at the Bayeux market.

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May 17, 2012

Photo du Jour - Paris Snapshot

Blue, Bike, Door

 La couleur bleu, une porte, une bicyclette.
A Paris.

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May 16, 2012

Photo du Jour - Boulanger Patissier

Boulanger Patissier

Shades drawn for lunchtime.

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May 14, 2012

Le Château de Canisy

Château de Canisy - Painting

Château de Canisy

At the beginning of March I got a phone call that changed everything.

I was a day away from starting a new work contract and was thrilled to be done with the tediousness of updating my CV, writing lettres de motivation and thinking about what to say during a French job interview. We had recently moved into an adorable rental house and were feeling settled in Normandy.
So my immediate reaction was thanks, but no thanks.

A few days later they called again and explained more of what the job entailed. When I got home that night I had a look at the Château de Canisy's website and decided that this kind of opportunity doesn't just come along every day.

I called back the next day and agreed to an interview.
I figured if it didn't work out, at least it was a chance to see the inside of the place.

Château de Canisy


Canisy isn't a hotel in the traditional sense, it's more like a B&B that just happens to be a château. And it has a fascinating history that goes back almost 1000 years. 1000 years!
History that includes William the Conqueror, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette and Alexis de Tocqueville.

Now this is where I get to go to work every week.
Will somebody please pinch me?

Salon Canisy's Dining Room

Music Room

Château de Canisy

Château de Canisy

Château de Canisy

Château de Canisy

Château de Canisy

Château de Canisy Château de Canisy - stairs

On the water

Château de Canisy

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May 11, 2012

Le Grand Vielleux

Le Grand Vielleux

For a goat cheese with a bit of age on it, Le Grand Vielleux is surprisingly mild.

Its has almost no aroma and all around, its flavor is light and mellow - a tiny bit of citrus, hints of salt, mushrooms and yeast, and only a slight whisper of goaty-ness.

This particular cheese had been matured for several weeks. Texture wise it was a somewhat dry and crumbly in the middle, and soft and oozing just under the croûte.

Now I am someone who loves a cheese to pack a punch, but I found this fromage de chèvre to be simply delightful.

Le Grand Vielleux is produced and matured by a small fromagerie in the Loire Valley. Enjoy with a glass of Sancerre.

Le Grand Vielleux

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May 9, 2012

Photo du Jour - Golden Spring

golden field of colza

Sunny fields of golden colza* flowers are scattered all over the French countryside right now. Mother Nature is putting on a dazzling display!


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May 8, 2012

Photo du Jour - Dream Home


I've chosen my next dream home and this is it.
Isn't it beautiful?

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May 7, 2012

Photo du Jour - Spring Rain


Pink petals raining down.
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May 5, 2012

Saturday Morning at the Bayeux Market

Saint Maure de Touraine

My Saturday mornings go like this -  after a big café au lait and a tartine, I grab my market basket and drive to Bayeux to get some shopping done.

Bayeux Market

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May 4, 2012

Photo du Jour - Job Benefits


The view from my office.
Swans, ducks and geese are included in the package. Pin It

May 2, 2012

Photo du Jour - Paris?


Looking up in Bayeux.
That roof line makes me think I'm in Paris, every time.

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May 1, 2012

Photo du Jour - True Blue

blue gate

Bright hues of blue on a sunny day.

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