October 28, 2010

Family, Food and Dancing in California

A Day on the Beach in California

Mexican lunch

Rainbow Chard

A Day on the Beach in California

Kneading Cavatelli Dough



It means enjoying time with my amazing sister, nieces and nephews, strawberries and sushi, treating myself to a pedicure, the gorgeous beaches along Monterey Bay, Peanut Buster Parfaits, laughing until I cry at my brother in law's witty sense of humor, much missed Mexican food, pastries and cakes from Gayle's Bakery, dancing in the kitchen (photos of which will not been shared to protect the innocent), wearing UGG boots without shame and cooking up Italian feasts with my dad and grandma.

Thankfully all the dancing in the kitchen helps to burn off the calories from all the eating. Pin It

October 23, 2010

Peace and Quiet

Everyone needs a quiet place to curl up with a good book (or a laptop, iPad, etc).  This window seat in our gîte in the Loire was the perfect spot. Pin It

October 20, 2010

Loire Valley Allure

Mini Château

Loire River

Our neighbor

Loire Windows

Château de Brissac






gite shutters

I never expected to be so taken with the Loire Valley.

Sure I was excited to explore a new region of France and had fairly high expectations after all the positive reviews and trip reports that I had read.
But WOW!  What a magical, beautiful place.  I am officially smitten. Pin It

October 15, 2010

La Couleur Blanche



Fromage de Chèvre

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October 11, 2010

A Polite Introduction to Jamie Oliver

Jamie Oliver.
I remember when his Naked Chef series first hit America. People thought he was so cool, so hip. So very British.

Me, I just couldn't get past his informal, chatty demeanor and those expressions:  Cracking. Lovely jubbly. A glug of olive oil. A knob of butter. A swig of vinegar. Whack it in the oven.  Brill.
Jamie just didn't do it for me.  His cooking style was too imprecise and too unconventional.  I was used to watching the very professional, composed Mario Batali in Molto Mario and the serious Lidia Bastianich in Lidia's Italy

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October 8, 2010

La Fête du Fromage - Brebis D'Or

Brebis d'Or

Aveyron is an honest, "what you see is what you get" kind of place.
The towns and villages of La France Profonde don't really seem to go out of their way to woo the visitor, but they simply ooze authentic charm.  
And they produce some of the best cheeses in France.

Now here's another one to add to the Fabulous French Fromages from Aveyron list - Brebis d'Or.

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October 6, 2010



My poor camera has been feeling neglected lately. 
Take Monday for example.

I made a generous batch of David Lebovitz's Roast Chicken with Caramelized Shallots, a recipe that I've been making for years via Susan Herrmann Loomis' French Farmhouse Cookbook. (though I think that David's addition of soy sauce to the recipe makes it irresistible!)
As I was putting away the leftovers, all the while happily scraping up and eating the rich browned bits of caramelized shallot sticking to the side of the roasting pan with a hunk of baguette, I realized that I once again had forgotten to take photos.  

Sometimes the food just looks and smells so good you can't wait to dive in! Pin It

October 2, 2010

Delicious Autumn

Local Apples

Oh Autumn.  How I've missed you!

Yes, I love the fresh produce of summer:  cherries, tomatoes, basil, peaches, apricots, zucchini, nectarines, melons, all best served with a minimum of fuss.  And I love the simplicity of summer "cooking."
But I have to admit that by the time August 15th rolls around I can hardly face another salad.  I long to get the Le Creuset out of storage and do some serious cooking!

French Road Sign

Then comes autumn!  Give me braises.  A bubbling pot of minestrone.  Tarte Tatin and poached pears.  Homemade sausage, pepper and onion pizza.  Pumpkin, Brussels sprouts and Savoy cabbage.  Long simmered lamb curries.  Confit de Canard and Cassoulet.

I plan on savoring every moment.  And every bite.

Cassoulet Hot Out of the Oven
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