July 8, 2008

La Fête du Fromage - le Lacandou

Don't you just love it when you stumble across a really unexpected, delightful treat?
Such was the case when I tasted this little cheese.

One whiff of the sweet, yeasty aroma of le Lacandou and I was smitten. Then I took a bite and let it melt on my tongue.
now this is my kind of cheese!

le Lacandou

I just love this little man (M. Lacan, I presume) with the sheep necklace, holding two cheeses aloft

Le Lacandou is an unpasteurized sheep's milk cheese that is made following traditional artisanal methods. It is produced in Sévérac-le-Château, in the northern Aveyron and was named after its producer, the farmer Monsieur Lacan.
The word on the label, fondant, means melting. And this cheese is definitely fondant! Its soft and yielding interior is held together by a little, waxed cupcake wrapper - as soon as I peeled it off, it oozed all over.
The period of affinage* is only about three weeks long, so it had a young, grassy and fruity flavor that was neither too mild nor too strong.

le Lacandou

Le Lacandou is truly sublime. No doubt about it.

Pour a glass of Côtes du Roussillon or a Crozes Hermitage to enjoy with this cheese.

*affinage (AH-fee-nahj) - The craft of maturing and aging cheeses.
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maybelles mom said...

Oh, how beautifully delish.

Jennifer said...

It is amazing cheese! I think you can possibly buy it in the States. If you find some, I highly recommend trying it!

Anonymous said...

this cheese is very tasty.
and the little man on the sticker is really M. Lacan but 30 years ago. :)
now his moustache is more grey.
thanks for your good post.

Jennifer said...

Thank you for the information. I'm happy to know that it is M. Lacan!