January 29, 2013

Postcard From California


burgers. In Aptos, California.
I had the Hank Williams Sr. burger, which included an onion ring as one of its toppings.

I wish I could describe just how delicious it was!

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January 27, 2013

Postcard From California

La Selva Beach

Sea, sun and surf. California Dreaming...

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January 26, 2013

Postcard From California

Meyer lemon tree

California citrus.

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January 20, 2013

Photo du Jour - Sugar Coated

Snow at Le Château de Canisy

A light dusting of snow on the Château de Canisy.

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January 18, 2013

Solicited Advice

Bare Trees

So you're thinking of moving to France and you would like my advice?

The fact that you're asking leads me to believe that you have heaps of confidence and infinite patience. You love a challenge and want something more to life than just going through the motions.
Am I right?

Well, I've answered that question before, but I'll answer it again. One more time.

Normandy in October

With almost 10 years of living in France experience under my belt, the one piece of advice* I would give to you would be this...take the leap. 
Do it.
And don't be afraid.**

Because you never know what wonderful place that leap might take you.

And remember, if it doesn't work out for whatever reason, you can always go back.
No regrets.

*sometimes I hesitate to give this advice, so I asked some others to share their thoughts on the subject

**but don't forget to do your homework!

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January 15, 2013

Paris And Me

Paris roofline

I know Paris and I don't know Paris.

I've spent a considerable amount of time wandering her streets and exploring her cafésrestaurants and fromageries, but we still don't have what I would consider an intimate relationship. What we have is more of a blossoming, promising friendship.
She always does her best to charm me when I visit, so you could say I have fallen under her spell.

Yes, I have a crush on Paris.




I choose to focus on her grace and beauty, all the while being fully aware that she is far from perfect. I can appreciate the gritty, sometimes tired, sometimes curt side to her personality, because her other side is simply enchanting. She is plagued with problems and deeply flawed, but with the bad comes so much good!

Besides, there is no place that takes my breath away like she does. There is no other place like Paris.

Autumn in Paris

Paris Streets


le Marais

Le Marais

And it looks like she's smitten with me too!


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January 13, 2013

Taking Comfort in Cassoulet

Cassoulet - the final dish

Cooking seemed like the only thing I could do to console myself this weekend. As the rain softly falls, we are warm inside, taking comfort in Cassoulet.

Kate Hill's recipe is by far the best I've ever had. Or made.

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January 12, 2013

Saying Goodbye


Speck may have been un petit chien, but he had a big heart and a huge personality. He was a bundle of unconditional love who was always by my side.
Having to say goodbye to such a cherished little companion was heartbreaking.

I know the ache will slowly dissipate, but for the moment it is excruciating.


Thanks to everyone who has called, sent emails or left messages for us. Your kindness is very much appreciated.

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January 9, 2013

Cheese Confessions


I have a confession to make...I'm tired of writing about cheese.

There, I said it.

You may have noticed that the cheese posts around here have been few and far between in the last several months. When Katia came to Normandy to interview me for The France Project, I told her confidently that my Fête du Fromage cheese tasting adventures would soon be back in full swing.
Well, it never happened, and I've been feeling kind of guilty about that.

My passion for French cheese hasn't waned, not one little bit.

Just walking into a gorgeously smelly Fromagerie and seeing the stacks and stacks of cheese in all different shapes, sizes and textures gives me a thrill. I'm happy that I've taken the time to educate myself about such a delicious subject and I love that I now know over 225 French cheeses intimately. And there are still so many left to try!

I still buy cheese. And eat cheese. Lots of cheese! I am still "the cheese lady." (I think it's hilarious when my friends call me that!)
For the moment though, I'm simply uninspired when it comes to writing about cheese.

Eh, voilà. 

So for now, here are 214 cheeses I've already tasted for la Fête du Fromage, and some photos of the fromages français that are patiently biding their time until my inspiration comes back. Which it will.
You'll be the first to know.

Le Sauvaget

Le Sauvaget

Trois Fromages

a Nepita (wedge), Cabri (herb covered) and Le Mervent (with the leaf)

Le Pavé du Quercy

Le Pavé du Quercy

Saint Paulin

Le Saint-Paulin

Le Trèfle

Le Trèfle

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January 5, 2013

Beuvron-en-Auge and La Route du Cidre

Pays d'Auge

Sometimes you just need to get out of the house and go exploring.

We always seem to take the places we live for granted...getting too comfortable in our routine and forgetting that there is always something new to discover, usually right on our doorstep.

The famous Route du Cidre is only about 45 minutes from our house, yet in the last year of living in Normandy, we'd never been.

Until yesterday.

Pays d'Auge



Our first stop was one of Les Plus Beaux Villages de FranceBeuvron-en-Auge, which is indeed a beautiful village - a picture perfect, bijou village of half timbered houses, antique and regional products shops and restaurants. And a village that was busy with tourists, even on a grey day in early January.

I thought it was adorable, but can only image how busy it must be in the summertime.*

Pays d'Auge Colombages

Pays d'Auge

Beuvron-en-Auge is just one of the half a dozen or so stops on La Route du Cidre, a 25 mile, picturesque drive through the heart of the Calvados region, in the "Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée des Cidres du Pays d'Auge."
The circular route offers a gorgeous glimpse of the horse farms, apple orchards and quaint villages and towns of Basse-Normandie.

Several of the "roads" however, might be better described as one lane tracks, which forces the driver to slow down and take in the beauty of the countryside. And that's really the whole point, isn't it?
There are fifteen or so cider, Pommeau and Calvados producers along the route, as well as a couple of cheese makers and surprisingly, one wine maker.

I would happily return, stop somewhere for lunch and designate a driver so I could do some more tasting!

Route de Cidre

Pays d'Auge

*Not that you shouldn't go if you have the chance in July or August. It is now on the top of my list of things to do in Normandy!

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January 2, 2013

French Cream

Cream section at the grocery store.

This is the cream section at the local E. Leclerc in Bayeux. There's so much to choose from, it is crazy!

Crème Fraîche, Crème Entière, Crème Légère, Crème Epaisse, Crème Fleurette, Crème Fluide, Crème Liquide, Crème d'Isigny, Crème Fermière, Crème Crue, Crème Vallée d'Auge and Crème Entière de Normandie. I think that's about all, but I may have forgotten one or two.

And don't even get me started on the yogurt, fromage frais, fromage blanc, faisselle and cheese aisles.

Have I mentioned how much I love living in Normandy?

*The photo's a bit blurry because I was trying to be discreet and snapped it quickly with my phone. I've found that in general, grocery stores in France frown upon their customers taking photos.

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