July 31, 2011

Photo du Jour - Summer Light

Evening on the Canal du Midi

Summer evening light over the Canal du Midi. Magical.

My first submission to The Creative Exchange hosted by Lisa Gordon.

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July 28, 2011

Une Petite Pause

A View

Work this summer has been crazy.

Luckily I've had some distractions.
I've seen some old friends and met some new ones. I've been trying out some new recipes, working on my photographs and spending some quiet time reading a new book.

Whenever I can, I try to balance the craziness with une petite pause. Pin It

July 25, 2011

Les Tomates Farcies

Tomates Farcies

Every summer, gardens explode with an abundance of tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant and string beans. At the same time every food blog and cooking website explodes with an amazing variety of tomato, zucchini, eggplant and string bean recipes.

Boredom is not an option.

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July 24, 2011

Photo du Jour - A Moment in Paris


A little corner or Paris that caught my eye on a trip last year.

My contribution to Your Sunday Best, an inspiring weekly event hosted by Nancy at A Rural Journal

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July 21, 2011

La Seduction

I started reading La Seduction by Elaine Sciolino last week. So far I've only managed to get through the first five chapters and I know I should give it more of a chance, but I'm finding it...well...tedious.

Though I have learned a few things.

For instance, according to Ms. Sciolino, there is rampant, out of control use of the verb séduire in France.

I learned that French men have several different ways to kiss a woman's hand, an act called a baisemain. Apparently one of them, the effleurer, is an invitation for sex.
Of course I have to wonder if it really works?

And most importantly, never, ever take marriage advice from Inès de la Fressange. Pin It

July 17, 2011

An Early Morning Vineyard Walk


This is my morning dog walk.
Up a small road that is lined with lichen covered, ash colored stone walls.

Garden Gate

Past an open garden gate. I can hear another early riser tending to their garden behind the tall stone wall.

July grapes

Into the vineyards. The grapes are coming along nicely.

My weekly contribution to Your Sunday Best, hosted by Nancy at A Rural Journal.

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July 14, 2011

le 14 juillet

Hôtel de Ville

When I was granted French citizenship a couple of years ago I was given a red, white and blue dossier, welcoming me to France as an official citoyenne.
Tucked into the folder was new French birth certificate, a new French marriage certificate, the Déclaration des Droits de l'Homme et du Citoyen, an excerpt of the Constitution du 4 Octobre 1958, a letter from President Sarkozy and the words to La Marseillaise.

Today is la Fête Nationale, le 14 juillet, and all of France will be celebrating with pique-niques and fireworks.
Me included. Pin It

July 11, 2011

It's a Sign

Happy Pills

Cochon de Lait Farci

paris 040

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July 9, 2011

Photo du Jour - South of France Color

Old Door

Another day, another door. Great color, don't you think?

Submitted to Your Sunday Best, a weekly event hosted by Nancy at A Rural Journal.

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July 6, 2011

La Fête du Fromage - Le Braîsot Charentais

Braîsot Charentais

At first bite, this demi-sec version of Le Braîsot Charentais tastes soft and mild. A minute later the flavor starts to intensify and you think, "ah...not so mellow after all."

Then suddenly, wham! Your taste buds are hit by the rich, intense flavors of this cheese. Le Braîsot Charentais is surprisingly strong.
And totally delicious.

Its aroma is strong too - that typical, earthy, barnyard fragrance that often accompanies a serious goat's cheese. It has a dense, chewy texture and its flavor has hints of citrus and spice and is very, very goaty.

Le Braîsot Charentais is a chève lovers dream.

Braîsot Charentais

It paired well with our local Minervois red, though next time I would like to try it with some white wine from the Loire.

We have the Fromagerie Jousseaume in the Poitou-Charentes to thank for this fabulous fromage de chèvre. Two more of their creations:  la Taupinière and Briquette de l'Angoumois.

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July 3, 2011


French Riviera
Today I would like to be sitting here...

Rosé = Summer
with a glass of this...

Summer Strawberries
nibbling on some of these...

Cantal Vieux et Pain
and some of this...

Gelato from Grom
followed by one of these...

View from Apartment #2
with a view like this...

Cassis - la Plage
or even like this.

What would you like today? Pin It