July 24, 2016

A Terrace In Paris

Eiffel Tower

We love our big terrace with its views over the 15ème and feel very lucky to have a few square meters of outdoor space to enjoy. We know that this is a rare thing in Paris.
And as an added bonus, we have a view of the Eiffel Tower.

Funnily though, we've had friends tell us that our view of the Iron Lady just isn't that great.

"Well, you can only see the top of it." 
"If you could just tear down that white building, your view would be better."

Yeah, we know, of course it could be better.

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materfamilias said...

Seriously? I'm sure your friends are great, but . . . .
'cause that is a wonderful, wonderful view. I mean, should you ever want to share balcony space, it wouldn't take me longer than a transAtlantic flight to get there!

Darina said...

This view is stunning!

bonnie groves poppe said...

Well, I say its a very nice view. I have stayed near that view! However, getting rid of that white building would not a great architectural loss ....
bonnie in provence

Emm said...

In my book, any view of the tower is a good one.

angiemanzi said...

You have a terrace. You have a view of the Tour d"Eiffel. They are just haters :) Enjoy your view!!

Mardi Michels said...

Uh, hello? Terrace. In Paris. Nuff said. #becausepeopleareprobablyenvious

Ksam said...

What?? I can't even believe it - they are total Debbie Downers!

Ken Broadhurst said...

I think your view is fantastic, and I love the 15eme.

Unknown said...

Are they kidding? A terrace in Paris? So fabulous--love your view! xx

Jennifer said...

Yeah...people can say some strange things. Thanks for all the lovely comments, everyone! :)