June 14, 2013

My Favorite Photo of Today


My favorite photo of our day out exploring the Cotentin Peninsula has to be these colorful fishing boats and that blue, blue water.

On the other hand, these cows are adorable!


Now I can't decide.

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Frank Jive said...

Oh! I think I have to move there now! —Brad Barrett

La Torontoise said...

I love this beach and these colours!

Rambling Tart said...

They are both gorgeous - just love them. :-) They both make me feel peaceful and happy. :-)

Jennifer said...

Glad you like the photos enough to make you want to move!

La Torontoise
I loved it too. A wonderful new discovery.

Rambling Tart
Aww...thanks! I appreciate that!

Frank Jive said...

Well, I may have to wait a couple of days while I learn French, but your photos are pretty motivating. . . . BB