April 20, 2011

Photo du Jour - Waiting...

Pic de Bugarach
Le Pic de Bugarach

Last week we took a little road trip down into the middle of nowhere, or more precisely, down into the middle of the Corbières.

It's an area of the Languedoc-Roussillon that I've never really been enamored with, though there are some producers making some spectacular cheeses and some pretty decent wine.  
Les Corbières, despite its ruggedly beautiful landscape and charming, picturesque villages, is a region shrouded in mystery. It also boasts a turbulent history and there always seems to be an ominous cloud hanging over the place.
(People who live in the Corbières will most likely disagree with me - all I can say is that it's just a feeling I get when I go there)

Pic de Bugarach

The region's most recent claim to fame, or infamy, is the tiny village of Bugarach and the Pic de Bugarach, which looms over the village.
Le Pic is the highest peak in the Corbières and there is a certain group of crazies people out there who believe that aliens are living in limestone caves at the base of the mountain.

Wait...it gets better...

They also think that when the Mayan calendar ends, on December 21, 2012, bringing on Armageddon and the end of human civilization, the Pic is a "special mountain" that will be saved from destruction. At the moment when it's all going to hell in a handbasket, the aliens will emerge from their caves and will invite the "lucky few" on to their spaceships, saving them from the certain death and destruction that is the fate of us poor souls left here on earth.

I have just one question: What are these people on? Pin It


Amanda said...

Thank God we only have over 1 year
to wait for December 21 to come and go (without anything happening as in Y2K).

Quebec Cheesehound said...

Certainly not Mexican cocoa!

Emm said...

On that day, be sure you're right there and offer to hold their car keys. Then, when they go off in the spaceships, you get all their stuff.

spacedlaw said...

They have smoked the cheese and too much of the garrigues grass.

Diane said...

Interesting post. I hope that the beliefs are just that!!! Diane

Jennifer said...

I agree!

Quebec cheesehound
No, probably not...

You have a criminal mind! :)

Much too much of the garrigue grass I think.

I'm betting on them being wrong.

Anonymous said...

Is this a special 4/20 post? ;)

Jennifer said...

Ok, I had to look that up. lol

Angelina said...

I'm glad to know that France has cults too.

Jennifer said...

Actually, most of the people they expect to descend will be from the UK and other countries! Not French.