December 17, 2019

Can I Eat That Moldy Cheese?

La Taupinette

Cheese + Mold. Is it safe to eat? This is a question I get asked a lot!

This article on the Bon Appetit website came across my radar the other day (even though it was written in 2018!) and after I read the following paragraph, I knew I had to share it.

"The first thing you’ve got to understand is that, by and large, microorganisms like mold are what makes cheese, well, cheese. “In a lot of ways, cheese is mold,” explains Morillo. With the notable exception of fresh cheeses that are meant to be consumed shortly after they are made (mozzarella, ricotta, queso fresco, etc.), most cheeses owe their distinct deliciousness and texture to the microbiological alchemy that occurs when mold, bacteria, and other microorganisms feast on the proteins and sugars present in milk, transforming them into a wide range of flavorful compounds. (Science is cool!)"

Yes, science is cool! And mold, when it comes to cheese, can definitely be our friend.

At Martine Dubois Fromagerie Pin It

December 15, 2019



A Haussmannian building that houses a café named after Baron Haussmann located along the Boulevard Haussmann.

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December 13, 2019

Today's Cheese

Corsican washed rind cheese. Oozy and smelly!

The minute I started to unwrap this one, I was in heaven! SO lusciously smelly, oozing and sticky. We haven't tasted it yet, but I expect wonderful things.

Oh, and for those of you who are curious, it's an ewe's milk, washed rind cheese from Corsica. I can't wait to try it!

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December 10, 2019

Carb(onara) Loading in Paris

Carb(onara) Loading

Les grèves in Paris continue...*

I've been averaging seven miles a day on foot since last Thursday to get to and from my food tours, but this morning I had a long walk across the river for a cheese workshop, and as an added bonus there was a huge protest march this afternoon, so it took me almost two hours to get home after being rerouted due to closed bridges and roads.

The entire time I was walking (and hungry!) I was focusing on two things;  one was not getting run down by the inexperienced cyclists and trottinette drivers, and the other was making a giant bowl of comforting, filling spaghetti carbonara for dinner when I got home.

And a giant bowl it was! I should have invited several friends over to share it with us. (However, I know I'll appreciate the leftovers when I get home tomorrow night!)

*There are a few more days of strikes (grèves) predicted, but hopefully things will get back to normal by this weekend. 

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December 9, 2019

Sometimes Paris is the City of Love


"You are the love of my life."

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December 5, 2019

Tulips in December?

Along rue des Lévis.

Isn't it a little early for spring flowers? It's not even winter yet!

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