September 29, 2012

Histoire de Sens - A Gardener's Delight!

Old Chair

I discovered a secret garden last week.

Histoire de Sens is a delightful little plant, flower and garden ornament and decoration shop in a cottage tucked behind the owner's house.

As soon as you walk through the gate and under the weathered, wrought iron rose trellis, you enter a tranquil, sun dappled paradise. The most beautiful succulents, apple trees, roses, hydrangeas, and many, many I can't name. Outdoor "rooms" are scattered about, and I wanted to move in straight away.
I am not a gardener, but I covet this one!

Hats off to Nathalie Guilbert and her husband. I hope their little shop is a great success!


Normandy Longère

Normandy Garden

Histoire de Sens
2 rue Genas-Duhomme
14400 Sommervieu

I definitely didn't take enough are some more shots.

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Amanda said...

What a delightful place!

Dvora said...

This looks like my idea of heaven.

La Torontoise said...

A great find!

Jennifer said...

It is! It made me wish I enjoyed gardening more. :)

If that is true, then you would love living in Normandy!

La Torontoise
It was!