I've been writing this blog for what seems like forever now (actually it's only been 6 ½ years), and I have to admit that in the course of those 6½ years, I have had good blogging days and I have had bad blogging days.
Some days I'm bursting with ideas and feel inspired! Other days, not so much.
What has never wavered however, is the feeling of being part of a "community." Writing this blog has allowed me to meet some amazing, inspirational and extremely generous people.
Many of whom I now consider good friends.
Friends who have welcomed me into their homes and lives and shared food and recipes with me, friends I've celebrated with and shared important life events with, friends who have introduced me to their adopted region of France, friends who have given photography and blogging and bureaucracy tips, friends who have generously shared their favorite addresses in Paris, friends who gave advice when we were searching for a new place in France to move to, and friends who kindly sent international spices in the mail when I mentioned that I couldn't find them in France.
Getting to know these people, either virtually or in person, has been one of the highlights of having this blog, and it motivates me to keep writing.
Thank you, friends.
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Bravo for blogging and for good friends!
Hear! Hear! Will continue visiting your blog for some time I suspect. :-) Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)
Ups and downs indeed.
But fun nevertheless.
Congrats on such a sustained period of blogging!
I've been at it for a year and a half or so now. I am just in the midst of reading "Will Write for Food" which includes a new blogging chapter and put into a grander context of why I chose to blog in the first place (which I decided to do on a whim one day).
The blogging community is so supportive especially for a newbie like me. I am glad to hear that you too have experienced it in France!
Murissa The Wanderfull Traveler
Very inspiring.
Love it! I feel the same way. :)
Lovely photos!
A lovely post! I may not be one of these 'friends' but I'm happy to have met you through the blogosphere! I too have made some great friends some through blog conferences and they are always very supportive and kind! Its a strange World, but a very friendly place!
I hope to meet you someday soon...
And I am thankful for you as well! xx
A nice post - a bravo for blogging!- your blog is definitely an inspiration for me...keep up the great posts - and sometimes a little says a lot!
Lovely post and I endorse everything you have said. Have a great day Diane
Thank you so much. :)
Mlle Paradis
Yes, here's to good friends!
I hope so...and I yours...
Yes, definitely fun. Or else, why would we do it?
It is a great community, and I'm happy to hear that you've found lots of support in writing your blog. Keep up the good work!
You are a perfect example of what I meant...I am so happy that this blog led to meeting you and Nick. I wouldn't trade that for anything!
Thank you for stopping by to comment and I am always happy to see some cute Swedish decor, so am happy to follow you and your blog. :)
Merci! Glad you like them.
It is a strange world, this Internet-land. :)
I feel like I know you in many ways and always enjoy reading your blog and your writing. (even though I'm guilty of not commenting very often!)
I can't believe that our paths haven't yet crossed...but it is bound to happen one of these days. I'm looking forward to it!
Me too, sweetie!
What a nice thing to say, thank you! I love reading blogs like yours as well. It is interesting to read about other Americans living in France.
Thanks! Hope you're enjoying your day and staying cool. :)
I hear you - the absolute best part of doing this!
I'm looking forward to finally meeting you in person one of these days too...
I can't believe it hasn't happened yet!
I have been blogging for several weeks now. From what I have heard from other bloggers who have been doing this longer, meeting people through their blogging has indeed been a rewarding aspect.
Very rewarding! I've met so many wonderful people through having this blog. I'm sure you will too.
And thank you for sharing so many of your experiences, good and bad! My wife and I are planning a move to France in a few years, and you have been an amazing resource.
You are very welcome! Glad to have been some help to you. Good luck with your future move.
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