I'm not fussy when it comes to trying new cheese. As soon as I get it home, snap a few photos and make sure it is at room temperature (very important not to eat cheese too cold!), I cut myself a generous wedge and dive right in. Which is exactly what I did with le Deauville, a sumptuous cow's milk cheese that we picked up on a mini road trip last week to, you guessed it, Deauville.
Next time I might be a bit more careful, however. This one looks pretty harmless, but it is not for the faint of heart!
Le Deauville is heady stuff. It has the whole milk lushness of a Pont l'Evêque and the smelly richness of a Livarot. The rind is sticky with little crunchy salt crystals and the pâte is gooey, with savory caramelized milk and earthy mushroom flavors. It is incredibly delicious.
I recommend savoring le Deauville in petit portions. A little goes a long way.
It is produced at la Fromagerie de la Houssay, a 200 year old farm in the Calvados region of Normandy. As with many cheeses from this region, le Deauville pairs well with hard apple cider, Champagne or a fruity white such as Gewurztraminer or Viognier.
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"Le Deauville" -- How could I not enjoy it since you picked it up in the lovely seaside resort where I used to spend so many of my Parisian [long] weekends? I can smell it all the way from Seattle ;-) Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)
A new cheese for me; thanks for sharing your tasty find.
Oh my! Have never tried it, but must! It looks absolutely scrumptious. Thanks so much for sharing! :)
this looks so delicious I can't even believe reality! Love your new banner photo..cute house. =) Have a nice week.
It looks absolutely yummy! I also love your new "snow" photo at the top of your page. :)
Le Deauville does sound like pretty heady stuff... will be sure to try it in small portions :) Your blog header is simply gorgeous!
I look forward to trying this one but I'll remember - small portions.
Yes, very important not to eat cheese too cold. As with a good vin rouge, excessive cold kills the flavor. Speaking of cold, I'm sure you know you are in one of the better parts of France right now. Most of the country is experiencing le grand froid persiste!
So my version of enduring the cold is to let the cheese rest in a warm room for at least an hour, then serve with a freshly baked baguette and a glass of Cotes du Rhone.
If it is Saturday night, I like to fill a cocktail shaker 2/3 full with Citadelle French Gin, top it up with Noilly Prat dry vermouth, and leave it in the freezer for an hour or more.
For the main course I think a good home made cassoulet will do nicely. Now the trick is finding a good source for duck... ;-)
- Bradford
Sounds very tasty! I love your new banner photo. Your house is so charming. Stay warm :)
You've inspired me to do a cheese night next weekend and doing a blog post about it!
This one looks delicious & can't wait to try all the delicious cheeses when I go to France later in the year!
The Wanderfull Traveler
Deauville is a lovely town! And a lovely cheese. I hope you get the chance to try some next time you're in France.
You're very welcome!
Please let me know what you think.
Now that the snow is gone I'm wondering if I should change the header?
Very heady stuff! But very delicious as well.
Let me know what you think when you do. :)
I was once served ice cold cheese at a very nice restaurant here and it ruined the entire meal for me.
Thanks for sharing your version of enduring the cold. It is a good one!
It has warmed up again and the birds are chirping away. I hope the coldest part of winter is over now.
Please send me the link when you've written the post. Enjoy your cheese night! :)
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