Tomorrow we're moving to Normandy.
Please don't think we're crazy.
We've discovered that when you tell people in the south of France that you're moving to the north of France, they tend to think that you've lost it. Completely.
Well, we haven't.
We know about the rain and the cold, the drizzle and the damp. We understand that moving from the south of France to the north of France is unconventional.
We've also discovered that most of our friends and acquaintances who think that we've totally gone off the deep end have never actually been to Normandy. And we're surprised and delighted by how many of our friends have already planned trips to come visit, the first one arriving Christmas day.
We also know about the delicious cheese and fresh seafood, the friendly people, the stunning beaches and the gorgeous green landscape.
So it does make me wonder...does Normandy get a bad rap?
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I agree, it really is a wonderful area and so much interest for so many people - the coast, the beautiful countryside, fantastic food and drink, friendly people and history galore. Nous adorons le Normandie :-)
Every single bit of France I've visited has had something special about it and Normandy is no exception. As a Brit living in the south of France for the last 15 years, I wouldn't want to go back to grey skies for long, but I've always loved the vibrant greens of both British and Norman countryside. And is it so wrong to exchange olive oil for butter, crème fraîche ... and cheese of course!
Bon voyage, bon courage, and I hope the weather has improved by the time you set off!
I love look how much closer to Paris you'll be!
It absolutely gets a bad rap! My family is from the south of France so I was told all my life Normandy was boring and not worth visiting. I finally went to visit for work and had an amazing time. Such a great region which such nice people, and so much history!
Bonne chance with the big move. You will be so much closer to good cider, Pont l'Evêque cheese, Calvados... Ah, Normandy! When you start missing the beautiful Southern weather, you can visit your old friends, right? And think about it, all that drizzle must be good for your skin! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle) PS: Hope you appreciate the effort at staying positive, as I write this on a damp, foggy winter morning in the dang Pacific Northwest ;-)
Apart from its reputation as a rainy place, I am not sure it gets such a bad rap.
Good luck with the moving. I wish I could help.
The north of France has it's own special flavor and I love Normandy and Brittany. Plus you'll be closer to Paris! : )
Eco Gites
Thanks! We're excited!
Thank you for your kind words and support. It's going to be quite a change! :)
Cowgirl Chef
Yes, and I am super excited about that! I'm planning many day trips into the city.
We got a lot of little jabs from friends, most of course weren't serious. Also, many of them have been and love it, just can't imagine the weather after the sunny south of France. So they think we're slightly crazy. :)
Yes, we plan many visits south and still have our home in the Languedoc. And the weather will be much better for my skin, just like in Seattle. I plan to start looking younger immediately. :)
It does and it doesn't. People all seem to know how beautiful it is, but they act like it rains every single day! Which of course it doesn't. (I hope!)
It is so different from the south, which will be nice. And I'm really looking forward to cooler summers!
The proximity to Paris is a huge plus as well. I'm so excited to be able to get in to see friends and go to events.
Hope you come and visit sometime. You're always welcome! We'll go hunting for small cheese producers and hit the vide-greniers. :)
Sounds like a wonderful place! I don't think you're crazy at all. " The world is a great book, of which they that never stir from home read only a page." - Saint Aurelius Augustine. Good luck! =)
I would give almost anything to live in Normandy, especially in the fall.
cider and cheese and moules, oh my.....happy moving!!
It will be very exciting to read about your adventures. Best of luck and lots of hugs and kisses. Until we meet again...perhaps in the South, perhaps in Normandy, perhaps in Paris!
only a bad rap if you're talking to southerners......the cheese, the cows, the apples, the calvados!
happy moving!
Can't wait to start hearing your new stories!
Good luck on your new adventures. I personally, wouldn't mind living somewhere along Frances northern Atlantic coast, there are too many people and it's too hot down here in the south in the summer.
Bon Voyage and all the best. This move will provide another great adventure to add to your collection.
Yeah...move day! Hope it all goes well - see you in Paris soon! :)
I am so excited for you and wish you the best. I've been to Normandy once, it was a quick trip but I thought the area was just lovely. Nothing like a little adventure in life!
You are going to get the chance to try new dishes, cheese, drinks and explore a new part of France. I love the new picture on your header. Certainly makes the area look most inviting.
France is one of the best destinations in Europe. And that's true that every place in France is so beautiful to enjoy. Normandy, a place of north-western France which also consist many destinations like beaches, landscapes etc. To visit France there are also some good ferry operators which costs pretty much less charge for the passengers.
Of course I'm sure that you have seen Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis - Welcome to the Sticks, which is exactly about someone moving from the south to the north of France. It seems as if there are more raised eyebrows from the French than the rest of us who dream of France, but are not so fussy about where... If you have not seen it, strongly recommend it - hilarious.
Happy holidays, CR
Love that quote. Thanks!
We were here in October and it was so weather and not too rainy. I know it will be a lot colder this winter than what we've experienced in the last 9 years, but we've got our sweaters, boots and umbrellas ready. :)
and scallops!
I think we should aim for all of those places! :)
Thank you for the good luck wishes and I know I'll be seeing you soon.
Mlle Paradis
so true...
I'm sure there will be many!
I'm quite tired of the heat in the summer too. You should join us! :)
It went well, thanks. See you soon!
Thanks for the well wishes! Hope you get the chance to visit again.
You can be sure that we'll be happily trying out all the local specialties. :)
Yes, I've seen the film and loved it. Totally hilarious!
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