Our friend's beekeeping equipment. His bees make the most flavorful, succulent honey!
miel de romarin - rosemary honey - my favorite!
miel de garrigue - garrigue honey - the hives are kept near Minerve
miel de montagne - rich, dark mountain honey from the Montagne Noire
miel de bruyère - heather honey - lovely and rich Pin It
Cool! I've always wanted to try to keep bees. Never have. I just don't use enough honey to make it worthwhile. So I'm thankful for those who do it!
You should! It looks like you have the perfect property for a couple of hives.
We have a few beekeepers here in the Keys. I so enjoy getting their honey - mostly palm honey! Gotta love those "Keys Bees"!
Palm honey? Never heard of it! Sounds good!
Do beekeepers in Europe have problems with Colony Collapse Disorder? It's been very destructive in the US, leading to lots of recent publicity and concern about crop pollination.
I'm not sure. Our neighbor, the beekeeper, is aware of the problem, but so far his hives haven't been affected.
It is terrible, isn't it?
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