Two férmier cheeses were tasted this week, one sheep's milk, Le Brebis du Berry - "Le Palais," and one goat's milk, Le Balnot.
Le Brebis du Berry is a little. unpasteurized ewe's milk cheese from the Berry region of central France, an area that is renowned for it's goat cheeses such as Selles-sur-Cher and Crottin de Chavignol. Fromage de brebis is not as common, so I was happy to try it. It had a creamy, soft texture with a lovely, sweet and grassy flavor and a mild, earthy aroma. We thought it was sublime!
Le Brebis du Berry was produced at la Ferme des Bruyères.
Pair with a glass of fruity Beaujolais or some Chardonnay.
Le Balnot, a fromage de chèvre férmier, comes from the small town of Ferrals-les-Corbières in the Corbières region. Just down the road from our village, as a matter of fact... The farm where it is produced is called the Chèverie La Balnautière.
This cheese had a tangy, somewhat mild, citrus-like flavor and a semi-firm, creamy texture. It was delicious, but I must say we preferred the brebis. I think a glass of white Sancerre would be perfect with this chèvre.
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Bonjour Monsieur loulou,
Jz vends du fromage sur un marché de la cote d azur et je suis a la recherche de producteur dans votre région...!!! peut etre pourriez vous m aider et me donner quelques adresses...?? Je vous en remercie par avance. Laurence
Ah je suis pas douée avec l ordinateur ... mon adresse mail est !!! merci beaucoup pour votre aide
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