The giant pan, the paellera, was balanced on a homemade "stand" made from flower pots and metal stakes.
José brought the homemade broth to a boil then started adding the ingredients.
The first layer was chunks of cuttlefish and small pieces of cut up chicken. Then the rice was tossed in, followed by chicken legs and thighs, mussels, giant prawns and finally roasted red peppers.
It was a smoothly orchestrated event. José's wife, Jocelyn, was standing by, ready to hand over each ingredient as they were needed.
giant prawns, called gambas, ready to be added
Finally, a dazzling, saffron enriched Paella Valenciana. The flavor is almost indescribable. There is nothing to compare to paella when it is done right.
I've tasted some pretty awful versions, both in Spain and here, so to have the chance to enjoy a gutsy, rich, smoky homemade paella under the full August moon with good friends...well, it just doesn't get much better than that.
¡Gracias José y Jocelyn! Pin It
Now that is what I would call one "awesome" looking Paella !!!
My mouth is watering just reading your post!! I want some :-)
OMG that looks AMAZING! I know it tasted as wonderful as it looks. I want to dive right into that pot!
Simply amazing. I bet it tasted even better than it looks. And it looks delicious.
Oh, how I *wish* I was there ;)
Another fantastic meal! Are you sure those supports were made of wood? With my luck they would have burned through, spilling the precious dinner all over the ground.
It was a beauty. Have you ever made paella? I haven't made it in years and now I'm inspired to make it again.
half baked
The flavor was as amazing as it looks. I loved watching the whole cooking process too. Very cool!
my mélange
Truly delicious, yes it was! :)
You are much more observant that I am! Those look like metal pieces when I inspect the photos more closely. I'm going to correct my error now!
Do you ever make paella?
mmm! That looks good! The only way I like paella is when it's cooked in front of my eyes, so the flavours are all fresh and bright -- lucky you!
That paella really looks fantastic. You are very lucky...
We haven't made paella in years. I guess there's no time like the present.
Fresh paella is so much better that re-heated paella. We loved seeing it cooked over the open fire!
That's exactly what I was thinking. I posted my favorite Paella recipe on yesterday, if you're interested in having a look.
Ah! The real thing!
I had some paella at a French restaurant early this summer, but I do not think it was made like this!
The paella I've had in restaurants here has never been very good. Definitely made early in the day and re-heated. Not the same at all!
Wow!! That is totally amazing!! That's some serious cooking there...and some serious food!!!!
It was some serious food. For some serious eaters. :)
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