The bridges of Paris are being loved to death. And the Seine isn't faring too well either...the river has become the dumping ground for all of those little padlock keys that people carelessly, thoughtlessly toss into the water after "locking" their love.
And now I hear it's not just the bridges that are suffering...tourists are clamping padlocks on lamp posts, statues, even bicycle racks!
Paris is a romantic, beautiful city. The act of polluting its monuments and its river isn't loving, original or kind. This kind of love hurts.
If you have a moment, please go and sign this petition asking the mayor of Paris to do something to stop it.
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I completely agree! I cringed when my friends did this last year on a trip of Paris. In addition to the careless pollution, the locks look terrible!! So ugly!
I hate to admit, but I am of "those" who put a lock on a bridge...not realizing the harm that it could do the bridges. Learned my lesson!
I still can't believe that people think it is ok to toss metal keys into the river! And they do look awful. It began as a sweet tradition, but now it is just horrible and senseless vandalism.
It did seem like a cute idea at first...
Hopefully you didn't throw your key into the river and maybe you can go and remove it? Or you could always help by campaigning against them, now that you understand the damage they are doing. :)
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