January 20, 2014

5 Things


1) Saying, "oui."

Port-en-Bessin #normandy

2) Port-en-Bessin blues

French cheese

3) Many shapes and textures

Night Along the Seine

4) La Ville-Lumière

Cidre rosé

5) A true sign of Normandy

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Emm said...

I love these little windows into daily life in France. And especially the Port picture -- all that lovely water, says landlocked me.

Jennifer said...

That is such a great little port town. We visit often!

keltie@f*ck yeah, france! said...

I'm so happy that I tripped across your blog! I'll be living in Normandy (just outside of Ste Mere Eglise) for March and April to do some writing. Thanks so much for sharing all of this, so helpful!