2012 was ushered in with a last minute, overnight trip to Paris followed by a teary goodbye to our friend from New Orleans on New Year's Day. I returned home with a head cold and a craving for some sleep and some cheese.
Our house had been a virtual cheese-free zone for nine days due to said house guest. He can't stand the aroma (or stench as he likes to call it), so before each of his visits I have to clear the fridge of any wayward fromage.
This time though, I think I may have converted him.
On a trip to the market one morning, I slipped a ripe local cheese into our shopping basket and hoped he wouldn't notice. By the time we finished lunch it was at the perfect temperature and had gone undetected by his olfactory receptors, so I served it with a fresh baguette and hoped for the best.
He ate more than half of it.
I have Le Pavé d'Auge to thank for this amazing conversion.
Le Pavé is an unpasteurized (sometimes lait thermisé) cow's milk cheese that is produced here in Calvados.
Its medium strong flavor, which gets stronger if it is aged more than 2-3 months, is rich with yeast and mushrooms and is mildly salty. It has a full, buttery texture and a fairly heady, meaty aroma.
It reminded me of Pônt l'Evêque, though I prefer le Pavé. I think it can perform miracles.
Enjoy with Normandy cider, some Champagne or a Bourgueil.
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I had this one while in Normandy last year - it is totally yummy! Great with an apple too!
The aroma of cheese is dreamy, in my book. This one looks delicious!
Well done. +1 cheese convert.
One of the joys of living here!
Gosh! How on earth could ANYONE be a cheese o phobe?! Not many things shock me these days, but that does. :D Cheese is one of the best things in the Universe! I will have to try to get my hands on the one you picture here. We have a market in this area that carries many cheeses from France. Happy sigh...
This sounds like the perfect cheese for me! If ever I get my butt back to France I'm going to have to find it!
Different region... Different cheese... Same [cheese-loving girl] I see you are adjusting to your new little corner of the world just fine ;-) Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)
Sounds delicious! I love Pont L'Eveque so I'm sure I'd love this one too. Yet another cheese for the list to try one day :)
I haven't checked your blog in a while and noticed that you moved! Congrats!!! Life is full of wonderful adventures hope it is everything you want it to be and more!
Especially good with apples, you're right!
I love the aroma of cheese too...of course if I didn't I probably wouldn't be tasting all these cheeses. :)
H. Peter
Couldn't agree more!
He's a special case. :)
Hope you get the chance to try le Pavé.
Maybe someone in Portland carries it?
We're finding the adjustment very easy!
You'll definitely like it then. You must have a long list by now!
Thank you!
I will need to test this one out on my mom! My fridge is currently fully stocked with cheese and I get a noseful every time I open the door. Your friend would be repulsed :)
I've never tasted this one...I'm surprised that someone who doesn't like cheese would be won over by it, because it seems like it would be pretty aromatic!Interesting...
Do you think it will pass the test with your mom? :)
(it definitely wouldn't with mine!)
It has a pretty strong perfume, but he was won over by how delicious it was. If you ever see it you should try it. Delicious!
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