I love living in France.
Though I do sometimes whine about all the bureaucracy.
And even though I'm now a French citizen and thought that my days of dealing with French bureaucracy were over, it still rears its ugly head from time to time.
Then I taste a French cheese like Lingot de Cocagne and all the tears and frustration, all the hours spent sitting in offices only to be told I'm in the wrong place and should be at the other offices across town and all the Euros spent on fuel driving back and forth to Béziers just to sort out minuscule errors by fonctionnaires are immediately forgotten.
Erased from my memory. Gone...
Sometimes a cheese can be that good.

The fromager sold me a piece that was perfectly ripe; slightly oozing just under the rind and firm and chalky in the middle. Affinage usually takes 2-4 weeks so I imagine this piece was at the 4 week stage.
The flavors are a well balanced combination of soft mushrooms, hazelnuts and salt, and the icing on the cake - Lingot de Cocagne is 100% organic!
The farm that produces this unpasteurized sheep's milk cheese is located in the south of France near Albi in the Tarn region.
It pairs perfectly with a dry white wine.
So thanks to this amazing cheese, memories of soul-crushing French bureaucracy have simply faded away.
Until the next problem arises, of course.
related links:
Brebis de Cocagne
Brebis d'Or
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Cheese therapy! The best!
Do you think the RSI would appreciate a nice ripe piece of Lingot de Cocagne returned with their next ridiculous demande ? ... like you I get around three or four of these a month .. all contradicting each other ! !
I need to stop reading food stories after dark when there is no market to be found and the stores are closed. It's torture that I can't go straight out and buy the deliciousness you are tempting me with.
That really looks creamy and yummy. Diane
Never heard of this cheese, even though it's from the Tarn.
As for the bureaucracy, you thought it was over when you got your citizenship? It could be only beginning :)
Wordcheck= cavoured. Cavorted+savoured?
It is the best therapy! Why did it take me so long to figure that out?
I made brownies for our mayor once and he loved them...later he wrote a stunning letter on my behalf for my French citizenship dossier.
So, yes, take some French cheese in to the RSI office next time and impress them with your knowledge of French gastronomy.
You never know, it could help!
I know!
You'll have to limit your food/recipe/blog reading to market hours and store opening times just to be safe.
You must try it! I think you'll love it.
Yes, I was naive...and too optimistic! lol
Have a look for this one. Maybe you can find it at the cheese shop in Rodez? I thought it was sublime!
Like your new word, btw. :)
I don't suppose there's a chance we could taste this back in the United States, right? I'll have to enjoy it vicariously through you. :)
Sorry, I don't think so...
Ask your favorite Fromager if they've ever seen it or can order it?
Ok, now that's worth a little extra paperwork. This just doesn't exist in the States. You know that though. But seriously, how irresistible.
Ah, yes. A perfect cheese, a loaf of wonderful bread, and an amazing local wine do much to smooth out the bumps.
a good cheese cures everything and if its organic that's even better
I want to eat the computer screen. why is that the US has none of this except for what Whole Foods can offer? such a shame.
This little gem is definitely worth any extra paperwork!
"smooth out the bumps" - what a great way of expressing it!
More and more farmers are working hard to go organic and I love that.
Not easy to find a good Fromagerie in the States though there are some online cheese shops that have a good French cheese selection. You should order some new ones to try! :)
Am a Loulou blog & cheese fan and read with empathy you French trials and tribulations. Just was at Le Salon de l'Agriculture here in Paris and had the opportunity to try lots of cheeses, some that are rarely availabe here in Paris. One in particular stood out, looking like it sould be in the same creamy catagory as Lingot de Cocagne. So was wondering, since it is made at the Ferme de Cabriole in Saint-Félix de Lauragais near Toulouse, if you might know more about it? debbi
Thanks for commenting! I love that you do cheese tours and am happy to hear that you've been reading about my cheese tastings.
I've tasted 2 cheeses produced at La Ferme de Cabriole. One was La Cathare. Amazing!
The other, le Coup de Corne, I tasted last week and haven't written about yet. Unfortunately I've never made a trip to the farm. Must get there one of these days!
You didn't specify the name of the cheese in your comment...which one captured your attention?
Ah yes, the name would be useful! It was indeed the Coup de Corne - truly amazing. Will await you post on it. And Cathare is also a marvel. Definately make a swing by their farm and meet them as they make great cheese, both goat and cow's milk ones. Just wish we could get all of them up here in Paris!
I saw the photo of Coup de Corne on your site so figured that had to be the one you were talking about. Isn't it amazing?
Sounds like I need to take a field trip!
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