I picked up this wedge of le Buronnier along with a couple of others when I went to visit Betty in Rodez last month.
That moldy, rough, rustic rind attracted me immediately. I really expected this one to be special!
Well, it wasn't.
Just goes to show that looks aren't everything.
Le Buronnier is an unpasteurized cow's milk cheese that has a mild flavor, a nice, rich and buttery mouthfeel and a bitter bite that comes on late. Strangely it has absolutely no aroma.
There was nothing wrong with this fromage férmier from Aveyron per se, I just found it to be lacking in character.
If you plan on tasting this one, a good wine pairing would be a red Marcillac or a white Estaing.
Who knows, you might enjoy it more than I did. Pin It
it does look good doesn't it, so rich and creamy- how strange that it has no characteristic cheesy smell
I thought it would have been a nice, smelly one. Strange....
It's not one I buy a lot. I think maybe I was disappointed once, but I don't keep track of cheeses the way you do. It was photogenic, however.
It looked so good, didn't it! Oh well, can't love them all.
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