October 7, 2007

Photo du Jour

The gorgeous garrigue. Full of wild thyme, wild fennel and wild boars! Pin It


Anonymous said...

that looks, unsurprisingly, very much like Corse. thanks for the new word. i always called the brush area like that maquis, but it's nice to have another word for it too.

Jennifer said...

I've been told that it looks like Corsica.
Garrigue has the same meaning as Maquis. Maquis is the Provençal word for the Mediterranean scrub brush that covers much of this area.

Riana Lagarde said...

ohhh I can't wait to get me some boar this autumn....

Jennifer said...

I know! We hear them shooting up in the hills every Wednesday and Sunday. I'm hoping to be given a gift of a leg sometime this winter.