On my last visit to the cheese counter in les Halles I picked up several delicious new cheeses, all of which were unpasteurized, with this one exception. Thankfully Monsieur le Fromager was so enthusiastic about Rogeret that I decided to trust him.
In the future I vow to be more open minded about pasteurized French cheese!
Le Rogeret is made from a blend of pasteurized* goat and cow's milk in the stunning Ardèche region of southeastern France. It is matured for about two weeks on straw mats, giving the exterior a striated texture, similar to Saint-Félicien.
It is a very agreeable, likable cheese that is deliciously soft and creamy. The flavor is rich with hazelnuts and earthy mushrooms, and there is a slight tangy bitterness on the finish. We both loved it!
A glass of Beaujolais would pair perfectly with le Rogeret.
*There is a fermier, unpasteurized version of le Rogeret called Rogeret de Lamastre that I am now eager to try. Pin It
I agree with you. I think unpasterized cheese is better. Did you read Ken's blog about "Cantal" and "Salers" on "Living the life in Saint Aignan"? tp://ckenb.blogspot.com/ It makes sense to have cheese made from milk of cows that have been eating wild grass...
Sounds absolutely lovely! :) I've never had unpasteurised cheese...
Looks great and sooo creamy.
And, raw cheese is actually healthier. Most people don't know that. The photo with bread and cheese made my mouth water.
I do like cheese, but I cannot make up my mind when I am in a Fromagerie! I look in them all the time. I did buy some a few weeks ago in Paris, I bought some Rocamadour (Cabécou de Rocamadour. Very creamy), I bought mine ripe which was delicious.
Have you ever thought of doing a cheese book/booklet, I think it would be very handy for people who travel to france...and for people who like cheese but don't know what to buy..(like me)
Beautiful cheese. I'll have to make a note of this, and hopefully I will be able to try this next summer in the south of France.
I did read his post and it was fantastic! Loved getting an insiders look at how the cheese is made.
Some day you'll have to come to France and try it!
It was! We both loved it.
I believe it! Glad you like the photo. :)
I know what you mean. There are so many choices!
If you have a local cheese shop, then get to know the people who work there and they can help. If not, then just take a chance! I often do that and have rarely been disappointed.
I've never thought of doing a book about French cheese as there are a few already out there. This is a great one: http://www.amazon.com/French-Cheese-Eyewitness-Companions-Publishing/dp/0756614023?&camp=212361&linkCode=wey&tag=chelou-20&creative=380725
Well i like your reviews on your cheeses, so wondering if you would allow them to be printed off..to make a sort of cheese booklet..!
Thanks Anne! I guess I could compile them into a book. :) That would be an interesting project to work on.
Well, that cheese is made in my neighborhood! I'll have to go try some. Cynthia
Where will you be visiting in the south of France?
You should try le Rogeret. It is delicious!
Let me know what you think...
I tried this decades ago and it remains my favorite cheese from anywhere. I'm thinking about it now which is why I found your post!
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