Smiling dragonfly.
This little fellow/gal was making these loud clicking sounds while I was out in the vines yesterday, snapping some photos.
I heard a noise but couldn't locate the source as its vibrant green color blended in with the grape vine leaves. It wasn't timid at all and let me get quite close to take its photo. Pin It
That's pretty cool. I love close ups of insects but the flying and jumping ones usually don't let you get close enough for a good shot.
Normally they don't. I was amazed at how close it let me get!
OHHHHH!!! Don't you just LOVE the way they smile! I am going to post the one I took at the American Cemetary in Draguignan... Lovely!!!! How's the weather where you are right now??? -Leesa
dragonflies are so cool! I don't see them very often here. Look forward to seeing your photo.
The weather has been warm, but not hot like previous summers. We have a few hot days followed by a few cool days. Since we have no central air, I'm not complaining!
How about you?
What an amazing photo! You should enter it in a contest of some sort. Congratulations on getting paid to write for another blog! It's wonderful to get paid for something you love to do. I read your blog a lot; even the girls know all about it and you. Thanks for writing it!
thanks for saying hi! So great to hear from you!
how are Bill and the girls? Please send me an email sometime to bring me up to date on your life.
What a great shot! So nice that he decided to stay still for a photo, too. I kept trying to get a bumblebee on the lavender branches while I was on vacation, but by golly those little guys did NOT want to stand still! I managed to score a couple, but my camera isn't all that great, so the results are only fair... But it was good fun!
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