August 9, 2015

The Best Way To Experience Paris In The Summer


Get up early, head to la boulangerie for a croissant or a brioche, and go wander.
You'll beat the heat, you'll beat the crowds, and you'll feel like you have Paris all to yourself.

It's as simple as that.

Paris Views

What is it about #Paris? I can't help but love the look of these little places. #lifeinFrance


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Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Totally agree with you Loulou.. a great way to start the day.

La Toronoise said...

Loulou, can not agree more... in fact, this 'template' of organ zing time would apply to any romantic place in France, Cannes inclusive:-)

I love exploring the local markets in the early hours, before the heat make any walk feel like an endurance test: -)

All the best

Jennifer said...

It is, isn't it! :)

La Torontoise
Early morning at the market is the best. Especially down south. Hope you're having a wonderful summer!